Holy Week at Starnberg International Church – Join Us!
In this season, we learn the value of waiting. The longer we wait for something, the more we have to trust it will arrive and the more we have to trust that the waiting process is happening for a reason. Waiting helps us deepen our faith and heighten our listening and desire for God. Rather than giving up or turning away from good things like chocolate, coffee, or some other pleasure, it is probably more spiritually productive in the season of Lent to concentrate on what the Bible describes in great detail as his utterly unique and long-suffering love for us.
Palm Sunday Worship Service & Sunday School – Sunday, 24 March @ 11:00 a.m.
Worshipping while suffering and in pain can be an incredibly difficult one. And yet, we are called to be worshippers all the time, in every area of our lives. The Bible encourages us to bring those pains and emotions before God, in all their raw agony and confusion. Holy Week is a time to remember Christ’s pain and suffering in the garden of Gethsemane, but it’s also a time for us to bring our pain and loss to God,
Good Friday remembers the day that Christ broke the barrier between us and him, the day that God bought us perfect forgiveness and eternal life. Christ’s death on the cross means we don’t have to get our hearts perfectly ‘right’ before coming to him; we come to him because he makes us right before God. There is good news for us at the cross, whether we are happy or unhappy, satisfied or finding our desires distracting us.
Easter Family Worship Service & Celebration – Sunday, 31 March @ 11:00 a.m.
Our faith is not built upon speculative theology and theories; it is built upon the historical footsteps of Christ on this very earth, his historical death, and his historical resurrection. Therefore, the songs we sing must celebrate the everlasting and all-encompassing nature of Christ’s death and resurrection. We must also seriously embrace the magnitude of the day we remember in awe, wonder, and thanksgiving.
Join us for a combined Family Worship Service of Praise & Celebration followed by our annual Easter Brunch & Easter Egg Hunt!
(REMEMBER clocks in Germany spring forward on 31 March!)