
Our next session of The Munich Bible Study on Zoom is off to a great start! We began last Wednesday, September 11, at 7:00 p.m. with the book of Daniel. What wisdom and insights can we draw from Daniel regarding living in an increasingly hostile world? The study will teach us how we can live faithfully in Babylonian times. Professor George Barna, a leading expert in church and worldview trends, states that we’ve reached a place of “Christian invisibility in our culture.” It’s

Deer Park Avenue + SIC's Rockstar Dream Camp LIVE with special guest Mynd Palace! Family Event @ Feierwerk in Munich  Friday, 6 September 2024 - Doors Open @ 7:00 p.m. Your friendly neighborhood Worship Team is introducing Starnberg International Church's new Rockstar Dream Camp LIVE and Deer Park Avenue will be releasing their new album. YOU are invited for a special preview! Bring a friend (or three!) to hear the new album!

Surprised at how fast a close friend, someone you trusted, or someone you’re convinced is the love of your life, changes almost overnight, and you never know why? I will never forget you. We’ll stay this way forever. Have you ever heard someone promise you’d be in their heart forever and ever? The world may end, but their love or friendship will last until the end of time. And it sounds pleasing to our ears when we hear such things. However, it takes

Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. -Psalm 51:6 “Corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies, and more, have generated non-stop headlines highlighting the decadence of American society and the demise of the United States.” So George Barna concludes in a new study conducted recently. Although the study is about American society, the same can be said of many other parts of

So, you're having a bad day. A very bad day. No. You're having a bad, very long season in your life. Do you think that something horrible that happens to you could turn out to be something really good—or maybe not even really good, but one of the best things that ever happened to you? The apostle Paul thinks so. 1) In Romans 8, Paul says that God is at work in everything for good for those who love God and are called according to his

Dr. Nancy Meyer is an extraordinary writer, speaker, licensed chiropractic physician, and an iron man triathlete. Her best-selling book Defying Fear: Finding the Courage to Embrace Your True Value isn't just a story—it's a beacon of hope for those navigating through the shadows of doubt and adversity. Through the captivating tale of Lila, a composite character born from the resilience of real women, Meyer masterfully intertwines personal experiences, biblical truths, and profound insights to illuminate the path to unwavering self-worth. This fictional story,

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. -Psalm 89:14 Have you been side-lined, passed-over, lied about, or betrayed? If ever there was a piece of good news to counter corruption, injustice, and deceit, this easily overlooked passage is it. What on the surface may look like a little Bible-speak (nice words to include in a public prayer) is, in reality, the underpinning of our confidence that justice is still possible on the earth.

Season 3 of The Walk with an incredible episode from a special guest, Max McLean starts today. You may recognize Max from narrating the KJV, NIV, and ESV versions of "The Listener's Bible." Max McLean is an award-winning actor and founder of New York City based Fellowship for Performing Arts. He adapted for the stage The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis Onstage, The Great Divorce, Genesis, and Mark’s Gospel. His recent writing and producing credits include Martin Luther on Trial. Max McLean is a leading

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. -Isaiah 53:5–6 Our human minds can’t even begin to grasp the enormity of the price Jesus paid for us on the cross. If we did,

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